Saturday, June 18, 2016

From Mom’s Diary… 1951 - Oct 18 - School Reorg mention

From Mom’s Diary… 1951 - Oct 18
School Reorg mention
My 7th grade school pic - Fall 1951

Thursday, Oct 18:

Cloudy and a little rain. Got boys off to school. Jimmy play “Old Gray Mare” and Billy play “Melody in F.” Cleaned back porch & kitchen cupboards. Pete up to Hachmeisters re: school reorganization. Ate fish & salad & then he went to see Honald & Smith. Put Tom to bed & listened to T.V. Kate Smith.
Called Mom to have them come & stay with boy - S.S. party. Made scalloped potatoes. Jack Bow came to have Pete pick corn but he was gone. Toots called to see about going to D.M. tomorrow.

My comments:

First specific note regarding School Reorganization - would cause country schools to close and all go to Coon Rapids to all school grades. A year away.

Think the tunes mentioned were what Jim and I had learned at our piano lessons.

Noticed how she still says ‘listened’ to T.V. - not watched television. Carry over from radio!! But, after this date… started saying ‘watched’ - fun to read diary! ;-)
Also, earlier note of watching football game on Sunday. Then, I later watching “Ames Football Game” on a Saturday afternoon.

Also, a mention of “looking at things for porch” suggests they were thinking about the new “Porch” - family room to replace old porch. Major addition to the house!! ;-)
P.S. November 15 - Henry Johnson came to start foundation of porch! ;-)

Families are Forever! ;-)