Thursday, June 2, 2016

From Mom’s Diary… 1950 - Mar 30 - Allergic to Penicillin

From Mom’s Diary… 1950 - Mar 30
Allergic to Penicillin
Florey (pictured), Fleming and Chain shared a Nobel Prize in 1945 for their work on penicillin. 
Source: Wikipedia

Thursday, March 30:

…Billy’s hip was sore - is where he got penicillin shot. … Bill to Dr.
Temp is 99 1/2 degrees. Gave him allergy pill & sulfa. Allergic to penicillin, I guess.

Friday, March 31:

Billy’s hip all swelled hard & red. Didn’t send Jimmy to school either because he had a spot on his leg & 2 on his forehead. …

Saturday, April 1:

… Billy’s hip so sore he can hardly walk. …

Monday, April 3:

… Billy’s hip was better so he went to school. …

My comments:

I had just gone through a week or so of chicken pox… then, they (Dr. Johnson???) gave me a penicillin shot! Not the thing to do. I am allergic to penicillin! First experience recorded here! ;-)

Jim was getting chicken pox, but was real slow coming on… took several days…

P.S. In Louisville, in 1964, I'd apparently forgotten I was allergic to penicillin, and let them give me a shot... very same reaction!!! I've had big red letters 'Allergic to Penicillin' on all medical charts since! ;-)
Ah, Ha! April 21: Had penicillin from Doc Johnson for Tom. TOLD YOU SO!! 'Penicillin Pete' struck again... but, Tom was not allergic...  ;-)

Oh, and on March 17 - Mom and Dad celebrated 12 years of marriage; on April 20, Jim was 6. ;-)

Families are Forever! ;-)