Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year 2011!

Writing plans for 2011

As a retired 71+ year old person (professor), making "New Years Resolutions" is really not especially useful.

First, I am retired; I can do pretty much as I wish (if my wife doesn't object) most any time I wish.

Second, family comes first - grandpa, husband, father, brother, uncle, etc.

Third, I have a contract to teach an/my on-line university course in the Spring.

FInally, with the time left, I write.

1. I expect to complete and publish my second novel in the Spring of 2011. I will continue to promote both novels through appropriate activities throughout the year.

2. I will continue to write weekly articles for on both my topic areas: Springfield Genealogy Examiner and Ozark Cultural Heritage Examiner.

3. I will continue to research and begin to write the non-fiction Revolutionary War family history book on Sergeant Major William Kinnick.

4. I will continue to research and write the non-fiction family history book on my great-grandfather Michael Smith.

5. I will continue my primary blogs, with most entries related to the research, writing and promoting I am doing at the time.
Dr. Bill Tells Ancestor Stories
Dr. Bill on Retirement
Dr. Bill's Book Bazaar
The Homeplace Series Blog
The KINNICK Project

6. As mid-year approaches, I will step up the Civil War research and writing for my young adult Civil War novel and "The Beginnings" novel in "The Homeplace" series.

Families are Forever!  ;-)


  1. Happy New Year! It sounds like you will be very busy this year. I will be spending the month of June in Springfield, MO, helping my sister by watching her two kids while my parents (the usual babysitting arrangement) travel. If you are in town that month I would love to meet in person. I'll email you as it gets closer to see what your plans are.

  2. You are going to be a busy man Bill!! Looking forward to what you have for us in 2011!

    Happy New Year!

  3. Thanks for reminding me that goals are important. I guess I need to get on the personal genealogy bandwagon too!

  4. Yes, Kathleen, I do believe goals are important. Realistic, measurable, and timely. ;-)
