Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Wordless (nearly) Wednesday - Smith and Bolger kids together

Wordless (nearly) Wednesday - Smith and Bolger kids together

This is the Summer of 1962, at a gathering of both families, my wife's and mine, when we were back to visit. Our daughter, Annette, nearly 2, has the red belt, center. Behind her are Nancy's sister, Janice, and brother, Joel (who were featured in last Wednesday's photo - I found both of these on the same 'fishing expedition' for other photos!). On the near right, is my youngest brother, Paul. Back left, is my brother, Tom (now he goes by T.K). The girl with the curls is Karmen, my daughter's first cousin.

All I can see, of course, is the ANGEL FOOD CAKE!  ;-)

Families are Forever!  ;-)