Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sharing Memories - Lois Tiffany - ISU Professor

Sharing Memories -  Lois Tiffany - ISU Professor

What a pleasant surprise! Among my genealogy blogs I read regularly is a somewhat unusual one: Special Collections Department Blog, Iowa State University Library. The current post is:
"Iowa's Own Mushroom Expert: Lois Tiffany" She was my Botany Professor; Spring 1958, I believe - looked just like the first photo!  ;-)

As is so often the case, I do remember her because she made the subject, which I had not previously paid much attention to, really interesting - and, I learned a lot. So nice to see her, again!


  1. Thanks for the tip, Dr. Bill! I too really enjoy blogs from Special Collections!!

  2. Yes, the are 'special' - and distinctive from any other site! ;-)

  3. Really interesting example of a Special Collections posting. Thanks for the example.

  4. Yes, Annette. I thought it was REALLY neat. There have been others, too, if you go back. They don't post a lot, but the ones they do, are really good. Actually, I think there was one on buildings at Pammel Court, now that I think about it. ;-)
