Sunday, May 6, 2012

Sharing Memories Sunday - On to West Branch, Iowa, from Schenectady, NY

Sharing Memories Sunday
On to West Branch, Iowa, from Schenectady, NY

On Those Places Thursday this past week, I began to talk about moving to West Branch, Iowa. To do this, of course, I left General Electric as we discussed a bit earlier (my goodness, that was back in March, how time flies!).

The details are relatively unimportant, at this point, but a Dr. Stuelke, a physician based in West Branch (he also had a medical practice office in Iowa City) owned two nursing homes and a hardware store and some real estate in addition to his medical practices. He was an entrepreneur - Stuelke Enterprises was my employer. His financial advisor with Peat, Marwick (out of Cedar Rapids - the same national CPA firm I was working with at GE) had recommended for some time that he hire a Business Manager. His accounting records were falling behind, and, Medicare rules and regulations were just coming into existence that would be having a major impact on his business plans, the advisor told him (as I recall).

Anyway, his needs appeared to fit my desires to return to the mid-west, and we had a baby on the way. We got moved to Iowa and into the little rental house, mentioned on Thursday, while Nancy was still able to travel (that is a story for another day, by her!). Upon arrival, I put on my 'green eye shade' and got to work setting up a decent set of accounting records, by department, that he would need in order to understand where he stood with his business interests (using my GE learned accounting procedures). Quite a different environment and scale of operations, but I was very pleased to have the opportunity and I was really enjoying what I was doing.

[I didn't really wear a 'green-eye-shade' but the concentration was the same - neat image!]

Being back in Iowa was nice, too, of course, being much closer (at least in the same state) with both of our families. We settled in, of course, with the girls in school.

Families are Forever!  ;-)

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