Coon Rapids Baseball Reunion 1934
Today we have two news articles from 1934 to share:
Coon Rapids (IOWA) Enterprise, 75 Years Ago, Aug 31, 1934:
Old time baseball players are responding with enthusiasm to the invitations recently sent out by the Coon Rapids Legion post for the old time ball players’s reunion to be held here today. Some forty replies have been received and prospects are fine for the biggest gathering of old time ball players ever held in the state.
Babe Towne, former White Sox catcher, has received many cards from old time ball players and among the many planning to be here this afternoon we find Red Faber, famous White Sox pitcher, Jimmy Grant, south paw hurler, formerly with the Philadelphia Nationals, Jimmy Murray, C.A. Bushby, Scott Walker, Al Fagan, Mark Styles,Nick Curtis, Kile brothers, Norm Perston, Benny Reeves, Al Weldman, Ted Tidgen, Scott Snyder, Doc Knapp, Billy Pagles, Joe Minnich, Claude Thomas, Charley Roberts and many others. Curly Davis, of course, will be there for he was a great pitcher in his younger days and is one of the best known men among the “old timers.”
Pete Kuhl and his orchestra, of Manning, will be here in the evening and will furnish music for the bowery dance. This is one of the best dance orchestras in the country and assures a good crowd. The really big event of the day for the old time diamond artists will be the banquet tendered them by the local legion post at their hall. Many of these boys have not seen each other for years and are planning the greatest talk fest and reunion of the century. This event has won such a hearty response from old ball players that the local Legion boys have decided to make it an annual event.
Lee Miller, commandant, with the assistance of Babe Towne, Culey Davis and Cap Bowman, old time manager, have done much of the promotion work for this event.
Coon Rapids Enterprise, 75 Years Ago, Sept 7, 1934:
The first annual old time ball player’s homecoming held here Friday was a great success and is assured of being a permanent institution for all. The boys say they are coming back next year and bring a lot more old timers with them.
The big rain Thursday promised to wreck the day but a bright sun dried the diamond and the day was perfect and the field was in good shape for both the regular game and the big game in which all the old timers frolicked. Never have we seen a happier and more satisfactory gathering of men from over the state than at the old ball player’s reunion, reported the Enterprise.
The following old timer baseball stars registered at the banquet given by the American Legion and Auxiliary: Jay Towne, Coon Rapids, former White Sox catcher; Charles Frisbee, Garner, once with the New York National; Scotty Walker, Jamaica, former Southern League player; Sam Hanson, Story City, old Mississippi Leaguer; C.R. Ferry, Guthrie Center, MINK league player; Jimmy Murray, Emmetsburg, Missisippi Valley player; Bill and [missing line] University men; Dave Davis, Coon Rapids, Canadian League pitcher; M.R. Schooler, Madrid, Iowa League man; Ledge Free, Manning, MINK player, Spiggot Fawcett, Auburn, once with Western League; Ray Grimes, Manilla; and others. From Coon Rapids we find Manager Ralph Bowman, F. Towne, Claud Thomas, Roy Buckley, T.E. West, Earl Clark, Dick Caswell, and Frank Cory.
Many of these name are familiar to me, and I hope to follow up with additional stories on more of these fine folks in future weeks!
Families are Forever! ;-)