Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wordless (nearly) Wednesday - Willow #3 Kids

Wordless (nearly) Wednesday - Willow #3 Kids

Nothing like an old black and white photo from the 1940s to bring back a myriad of memories!

13 students from the rural Iowa "Willow #3" (Greene County, Iowa, Willow Township) one-room country school... all the students in our farm front yard. Perhaps a fall - Halloween? - 'dress-up' day. Note the wide range of students from K-8th grade - those girls in back are students, not teachers. Billie Smith - me - am the one with the ball cap, middle row, just left of center... NOT carrying a 'gun.' I would estimate 1945 - 6 years old - first grade, if so. Couple of kindergartners in front row.

Families are Forever!  ;-)


  1. Cool photo!! Do you remember the names of those in the picture???

  2. Of course, mostly... the other two in my class were Charlotte Shirbroun and Jim Tolsdorf (bib overalls just right of center, and, far right). Three girls across the back, the older ones: from left, Beverly Peverstorf, Pat Thomas, Shirley Woods. Boy in middle row, in front of Shirley, is Wilson Thomas, brother of Pat. Three are Hunter boys (other boy on the right, the younger one in front of me, and one of the ones on the left). Let's say the others are more iffy... ;-)
    They'll all be there, if I think enough... ;-)
