Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Wordless (nearly) Wednesday - Annette in an Apron

Wordless (nearly) Wednesday
Annette in an Apron

Annette, Tucson, 1983

Over the past 30 years, seeing our oldest daughter, Annette, in an apron has not been a common scene.

I came across this while looking for photo for the recent family reunion. While I'm sure she didn't wear an apron, she and her husband, Larry, hosted a very large and very successful reunion at their home on Boulder Mountain near Teasdale, Wayne County, Utah. [P.S. She also fixed a really super breakfast just this morning, as well!] So, it just seemed appropriate to share this photo, now...  ;-)

Families are Forever! ;-)


  1. Lovely photo of a daughter, Bill. Beautiful image on this apron - home made by someone, I'd think. A moment in time.

  2. Thank you, Celia. I had kind have gotten lost. Lot's of conversation about it... she is here, visiting. She does not remember it at all... driving her nuts! ;-)
