Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wordless (nearly) Wednesday - Slate to Kindle

Slate to Kindle

Earlier this month, with our grandchildren, Kaylee and Alex, while in Capital Reef National Park, Utah, we visited a preserved one-room school, where they were fascinated by the slate and chalk, among other things. While my wife, Nancy, and I each attended one-room schools in Iowa for all of our elementary years, it was well after the 'chalk and slate' era.

I couldn't help but think of this photo, today, when my wife received her new Kindle from Amazon (for her upcoming birthday and our anniversary, it seems! We always need to attach an excuse, of course).

Note the basic resemblance to the slate... by the way, she is reading the first chapter of my novel, Back to the Homeplace on the Kindle! [Blatant commercial - order in right sidebar, just $5.95 for Kindle edition]

 Families are Forever!  ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Cute picture of the kids in the school. Happy Birthday to Nancy too.
