Saturday, June 11, 2016

From Mom’s Diary… 1951 - May 15 - Bill cut finger on fence

From Mom’s Diary… 1951 - May 15
Bill cut finger on fence

Tuesday, May 15:

Did up usual work. Washed & set hair. Marg. came & said to get gift.
At 10:30 Bill & Inez came. Bill had cut finger bad on barb wire. Tom & I took him to Carroll.
Dr. Pascoe took 4 stitches. Had to wait 1/2 hr for tetanus because he was allergic to it.
Left Carroll at 1:00 - played for Mrs. Ben Hobbs funeral at 2:00. Down Town. Stopped at Beth’s.
Home & got supper, practiced piano a little.
Went in to Eastern Star. I had to play & serve lunch. Filled angel food. Millicent, Wayne Miller, Bertha Keister, Colleen & me.

My comments:

A very memorable day, for me. I still have the scar, 65 years later, on my left ring finger, just below the knuckle, inside. It was very prominent for many, many years. Is now somewhat less pronounced. I had tried to go through a barbed wire fence into nearby farm field to retrieve a baseball. Actually, it as I tried to return to the school yard that I snagged the finger on the barbs. Ouch!!

Notice how busy Mom was. This had become typical, … reading these months. She was playing the piano for many events, by now, and active in several clubs as well as still being involved with administration of the local rural school as well as Star church. We are approaching the times that I do remember clearly…

The first three months of 1951 appear to have been very bad snow storms, one after another. Notes of school on several Saturdays through the spring trying to make up all the days missed.

Families are Forever! ;-)