From Mom’s Diary… 1948
Dec 14 - Mom was 30
This was our 1948 Christmas Card photo
Sunday, December 14:
30 years old today. Buss came & bro’t blue silk nitie. Really pretty. He & Pete went to Barr’s to finish picking. Worked on aprons, got a lot of birthday cards in mail. $1 from folks, hair brush, holder from Ida. Sidewalk & roads real slippery. Had fresh liver from Buss’ for supper. Did dishes, got boys to bed.
My comments:
Just chose her birthday as a marker to use the Photo. They bought ‘a big Console Bendix at Furn. Store’ on Dec 21. Said ‘Bill sat by it all night.’ Radio/phonograph combination. They had been to Leo’s the Sunday after Thanksgiving, so had been looking to get one for us, since! ;-)
Also a note that this was the year Dad got a ‘jig saw’ for Christmas and made the stand (welded) himself… I do remember the arrival of the jig saw, for sure… We had a great life!! ;-)
Mom made and gifted many aprons over the years... ;-)
Families are Forever! ;-)
Enjoyed this. Thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your visit, Martin! ;-)