75 Years Ago This Week - March 29
75 Years Ago This Week began March 1, 1938 - my mother and father were preparing to get married later in the month.
Over in The KINNICK Project blog, we had another week of daily entries from Mom's - that is Eileen Kinnick's - diary.
Interesting week of "new things" -
An ice cream party…
We started counting eggs each day…
We got our first look at the journal of cream sales (and butter purchase)…
Mom used some of the eggs to make a neat cake!
We got to meet Pop, up close… ;-)
From the local newspaper in Coon Rapids, Iowa, the Coon Rapids Enterprise, 75 Years Ago:
March 25, 1938:
The Coon Rapids Boy Scout Troop with 21 members and 5 “Cub” Scout associate members was formally instituted and presented with a charter at appropriate ceremonies in the public school auditorium Tuesday evening.
Sponsored by the Coon Rapids Lions Club, the Lions had charge of the meeting with
Chairman Dollarhide of the Lions Scout Committee in charge of ceremonies. The Bayard Scout Troop in charge of their scoutmaster J.B. Warren, acted as installing troop and carried out their program with precision and dispatch. F.C. Woolworth of
Sioux City, scout executor of the Sioux City area, was present and presented the new charter with an appropriate speech. Scout Master adrian Clark gave a short talk on the work of the troop and announced they had secured the use of an old barn on the F.C. Caswell property just west of the school building for troop headquarters where they held their meetings each Monday evening.
Some of the boys do not have uniforms and are anxious to earn money so they can get some. Members of the new troop are John Chrystal, Stephen Garst, Duane Davis, Duane Hoffman, Joe Gallagher, Keith Compton, Junior Schumacher, Bill Davis, Dick Davis, Lawrence Raygor, Raymond Betts, Bill Cook, Douglas Cook, Roy Patrick, Leroy Ockenfelt, Marvin Smith, Junior Johnson, David Ibach, Max Austin, Junior Whitnell, Dick Rafferty.
The five Cub Scout member boys under the age of twelve are David Garst, Jack Wallace, Keith Robison, Billy Grettenberg, and Junior Kersey. These boys are all
classed as tenderfoot Scouts with the exception of Max Austin and Junior Whitnell who have passed examinations to be classed as Second Class Scouts. Two patrols
have been formed, one called the Lions Patrol and the other the Raccoon Patrol. Max Austin and Steven Garst have been named patrol leaders. John Chrystal has been named treasurer, Joe Galloway, scribe, and Junior Johnson is game warden.
My comment: Just thought this was interesting. Lots of familiar names here, from later years, when I was around… ;-)
How many do you recognize? ;-)
Families are forever! ;-)