Saturday, September 19, 2020

11th Blogiversary is Today


11th Blogiversary is Today

I began this blog with an Initial Post on 19 Sep 2009. 1179 posts later, here we are. 

I've not been real active recently, but with changing times, I expect this to change in the coming months. If you have not already, I'll hope you'll sign on as a follower to this blog, so you won't miss one in coming weeks and months. One project is to transcribe diaries from 1870s in rurual western Iowa, as settlement communities grew. We've also been getting into DNA analysis to confirm early ancestors. Daughters Annette and Arrion are now active researchers, so I hope to share tidbits that they find here.

Stay tuned, don't get too excited, we'll post as there is worthy material on our families.

Thank you for your continued support!

Families are Forever!!




  1. Dear Bill,
    My prayers are with you and family. I am way behind due to serious illness here in family. Blessings and thanks for always being there for me.
    Susi Pentico
